No I didn't rob a bank. And that is not a picture of me.
It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Key West. I just came inside from the pool and decided I wanted to share a couple more thoughts about the joy of living in Key West.
First, we have the best dogs anywhere. They can belly up to the bar in almost any drinking establishment in town. And many of them can even ride a bike or scooter. When I first came to visit Key West back in 1984 dogs could even take a nap in the streets. Those days are gone, I'm afraid. But the afternoons still belong to the dogs.
Second, we have cats. We have more cats per capita than anywhere in the United States--I'm sure of that. People that don't own cats have cats. There are everywhere. The Hemingway House is famous for its cats. My street is famous for its number of cats. And I don't live anywhere near the Hemingway House.
Third, we have chickens. CBS News and other media have reported on our chickens. They are famous by now. We even have a chicken store on upper Duval Street. Yesterday around 10 AM I saw a tourist heading out of town. I'll put this mildly, he had chicken**** all over his rental car. He must have parked his car under a tree. (Chickens spend the nights in trees to avoid the cats.)
Fourth, I have never seen a dead chicken. But I have seen many fat cats.
Speaking of fat cats, if you are one and want to buy a vacation home in Key West, you can CLICK HERE to search all of the homes available in Key West. And then call me at 1-305-766-2642 to get more information or to set up a showing.
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