Friday, April 20, 2007

Dazed and Confused

A lot of people leave Key West with mixed emotions. They fall in love with the place and work real hard at having such a good time that they go home dazed and confused. I guess a lot of people spend a lot of time in the bars... It's like everything they did is kind of hazy. And they need to go home to rest before they go back to work.

There is life away from Duval, however. I have written about that before. I thought I would share a couple of links to where locals post comments about like on the rock.

One is an Ezboard site called Its Only Key West CLICK HERE. There are seven sub-boards to checkout. If you are in love with Key West you may want to look at
the IOW Scrapbook for some real fun old pics of Key West. You will be amazed.

Checkout the other sections as well. Read how locals refer to tourists and their driving abilities.

Another more infamous site is Pistol and Enema, a gay gossip, message, and picture board. (Caution: there are some nude pics there. Not porn.) Again it is geared towards locals, but lots of folk who are planning trips to Key West go there to help plan their vacation so they don't miss a thing.

If you are planning a trip to Key West and think you may want to take advantage of today's more affordable housing market, checkout the the Key West Association of Realtors mls website. You can search all residential, commercial, and lots/boatslips available from Key West to Marathon. CLICK HERE. Then please give me a call for more information. 1-305-766-2642. Thanks.

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