Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Membership has its rewards

Two reasons why I like Key West: one--the weather and two--nothing is predictable.

The summer heat has broken and the wonderful Key West weather has returned for the next six months or so. Thank God. I can now sleep with the windows and doors open at night. You folks up north should be so lucky.

But the reason I am writing today is to relate an incident that occurred at the Key West Association of Realtors annual installation of officers dinner this past weekend. The fete was held at the Key West Westin Hotel. After the gala was over and folks were making their exits there was a brew-ha-ha. (I know it's not spelled that way, but methinks it was the brews that precipitated what happened.)

Two well known male Key West Realtors apparently got involved in a bloody fist fight and wrestling match over a woman, not the wife of one of the men. I heard there were torn clothes, at least one bloodied nose, and destruction of hotel property. I wonder if the Association of Realtors will ever be allowed back.

On a lighter and totally unrelated note I am reminded of an early morning bike ride I made a couple of years ago as I headed to the gym. It was about 6:00 AM and I was riding on Washington Street just west of the El Patio Motel when I saw a young man in his early 20s walking down the street totally nude. I looked back and he was nude. No doubt about it. I circled the block and went to a public phone on South Street by the youth hostel where I called the police. The officer asked me to describe the naked man. How was I supposed to answer that? Anyway, I got back on my bike and returned to the corner of Reynolds and Washington. I saw a young woman at the bus stop and asked if she had seen the nude man. She had but said he disappeared and asked me to wait with her until the bus came or the police arrived. I did. About 5 to 10 minutes elapsed and the police finally arrived. The nude man had totally disappeared. As I was talking to the cop I looked back towards Washington and the nightwalker emerged from between two apartment buildings--still unclothed. The cop saw him and walked toward him with his fleshlight drawn and said "What in the hell do you think you're doing?" He took the kid to the pokey.

Like I said nothing is predictable in Key West. There is always something going on to give you a chuckle.

CLICK HERE to checkout all current Key West and Lower Florida Keys mls listings. Then if you happen to see something that tickles your fancy, call Gary Thomas at 305-766-2642 to set up a showing. Who knows, maybe one of the pugilistic Realtors will show up.

1 comment:

  1. Update from the Key West Association of Realtors.

    "During our inaugural gala last week there was an unfortunate and unprecedented incident involving two members of the association. The Board of Directors met within the week to address this issue.

    The Board strongly condemns violence and takes this incident very seriously. We strive to provide a safe and professional environment for our members, affiliates and guests and as Realtors are committed to ethics and professionalism in all our actions.

    The incident is being reported to the State Attorney's office. There are some serious issues that must be addressed and, in our opinion, the correct venue is with the authorities. We are also reviewing our options as a Board as the facts of this situation are revealed.

    The Key West Association of Realtors and the Board of Directors will be monitoring this situation and will take fair and appropriate action to address this unfortunate incident."
