Monday, August 27, 2012

The Aftermath of Isaac - Key West

For the past several days the media has been hyping the slow moving storm out in the Atlantic that meandered across the Caribbean towards Key West. The prognosticators on TV did their best to get everybody all worked up about the worst case scenario as Tropical Storm Isaac inched its way toward the United States. Key West would be the first part of the U.S. to get slammed by this storm, but the big worry was the assembled throngs of Republicans that were set to meet in Tampa to select Mitt Romney as their Presidential candidate for 2012. The Republicans fell for the bait and decided to delay the start of the convention for one day.  Thank God. That's one less day of name calling on the news.

I did my hurricane chores on Saturday. I went to Winn Dixie and bought some easy to fix groceries and water just in case we lost power or water.  Winn Dixie was quite busy at 8:30 AM compared to other days when I shopped at the same time.  I drove across the street to Home Depot to by a new flashlight. Home Depot was also quite busy.  Lots of people buying plywood to be safe from the wind.

I went to my office on Saturday morning to do some work. Our parking lot backs onto the city parking lot and old city hall which is located just off Simonton Street. I found the city lot had placed some baby Bobcats in the lot to be available if the need arose. (It didn't.)

Bell South did the same thing in its lot next door.

I drove over to the Southernmost Point to see what was going on over there. At least one national TV network is camped out there any time there is a storm that heads our way. And sure to form a big satellite truck was there. And just as sure the tourists were also present to get their photos sent all over the globe.

Since Key West is an island surrounded by water I ventured over to Higg's Beach to see what was going on there. Sure enough another satellite truck was there to cover Isaac as it pelleted the shores of Key West.

I personally fell for the hype about huge potential rainstorm so I let about 3 inches of water out of my pool to avoid overflow. I got about one inch of water where I live. So now I get to spend money on refilling the pool. 

I drove around town this morning to see if I could find any damage. I did not. There were some palm fronds and an occasional tree limb on the ground. But I am happy to report that for the most part Isaac was a non-event.  Many businesses boarder or shuttered up. However, I would guess maybe 20% of the shops and restaurants on Duval Street (and elsewhere) did not.

True to form the boys over at the 801 Bar had made big fun of Isaac by having a hurricane party.

I'll bet the party at the 801 was a lot more fun than the party up in Tampa!


  1. I, for one, and glad that Key West did not suffer any damage from the storm. My daughter is stationed there in the navy, and would not have been able to leave if the city had been evacuated. Tropical storms and hurricanes are notoriously unpredictable, and no amount of science can tell us exactly where they will make landfall. I appreciate the people who attempt to do so, and therefore am willing to forgive them their "hype".

  2. I have to note that NHC doesn't do the hype, but the cable channels amplify what they say into the worst-case scenario. The conditions were perfect for the storm to strengthen as it cross the Florida Straits. It didn't strengthen but that's no fault of the meteorologists...all they can go on is probabilities.

  3. I think everyone loves the weather forecasters. It is the news crews looking for the big story that are painful.

  4. Glad to hear everyone is okay in KW. Now, wondering who did the artwork for your website? Love it!

  5. Kimberly Clark is the artist. Her work can be found at Saturday Cove.
