Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Naked Man Walking - Key West

There are two things I love about Key West: our wonderful weather and that life never is predictable. Take for example an incident that occurred a few years back when I was riding my bike to the gym. It was very dark at about 6:00 A.M. I was riding on Washington Street just west of the El Patio Motel when I saw a young man in his early 20s walking down the street. He was totally nude. He walked to my left. I looked back. Yep, he was buck naked.. No doubt about it. I thought to myself that's too odd even for Key West. I circled the block and found a public phone at the youth hostel on South Street where I called the police. The officer asked me to describe the naked man. How was I supposed to answer that?

I got back on my bike and rode over to the corner of Reynolds and Washington which was the area where the nude dude should have reached by that point.  I saw a young woman at the bus stop and asked if she had seen the nude man. She had.  She said he disappeared behind some houses and asked me to wait with her until her bus came or the police arrived. I did.

About 5 to 10 minutes elapsed before the police finally arrived. The nude man had totally vanished at this point. I flagged the cops' attention  He got out of his car to ask why I called the police. I started to describe what  I had seen earlier then saw the unclad lad emerge from between two apartment buildings. As I write this I just recalled the guy was then carrying a baseball bat. He did not have that before.  The cop saw him and walked toward him with his fleshlight drawn and said "What in the hell do you think you're doing?" He took the kid to the poky. Later that day I looked at the Monroe County Sheriff's office website. The naked bat boy was being held on a mental health hold.

You never know what you will see in Key West. That's just part of the fun about living in Paradise.