Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bert and Ernie in Key West

Rumor has it that Bert and Ernie have been in Key West scoping out a new place to live in case Mitt Romney wins the election and makes good on his threat to stop funding PBS.

Bert started out drinking on the plane.  The thought of losing one's home and job is a pretty scary thing to happen to anyone - even a Muppet.  It could cause the most sober of creatures to turn to drink who knows what.

Day and night, night and day, Bert and Ernie did the Duval Crawl. Bert got separated from Ernie after having had one too many....

Bert ended up mounting a Hemingway Cat that looks like Adolph Hitler reincarnated!  Once he sobered up he set out to find Ernie.

Bert got a little edgy and started wandering the streets of Key West.

He ended up in back of B.O.'s Fish Wagon down at the seaport. He wandered around Old Town and found his way up to the Key West Cemetery.

I guess Bert was looking for a new home since Sesame Street might not be available next year.  He found this sweet little pink house over by the Key West Cemetery.  It was sold earlier this year. Bert found out that there isn't much to rent in Key West, especially if you don't have an income.

Later, he found some affordable trailers over on Simonton Street.  That could work, he thought.

Bert ended up next door to Alcoholics Anonymous. He didn't fall off the end of the earth, Thank God!  He wandered the streets for quite some time and eventually reconnected with Ernie.  They embraced and decided that if Romney gets elected they will definitely move to Key West.

Bert and Ernie have been together for a long, long time. The gang at Sesame Street accepts Bert and Ernie for who they are. Not everyone everywhere is quite as accepting. Maybe that is why they came to Key West where the motto is One Human Family. Okay, they aren't human. Neither is Mitt Romney.

But Bert and Ernie need to know that if they decide to leave Sesame Street, they will always be welcomed in Key West.  All are welcome here. Including Mitt.


  1. Better hope Mitt does win as the 47% are NOT potential buyers in a market like here.

  2. Thanks for such a simple yet SWEET idea! I’m enjoying playing with my punches right now…thanks for

    omaha home for sale

  3. Thanks for a wonderful post. My guess is Bert will open a sandwich place to compete with Sandy's, and Ernie will become a bartender at La Te Da.

  4. You've outdone yourself with this one. Delightful!

  5. "Mitt Romney isnt human" sad commentary on political discourse. I imagine Mitt Romney supporters would never be potential clients.

  6. Bill from LouisvilleOctober 14, 2012 at 9:31 PM

    This is one of the best things that you have ever done.
    The picture of Bert and Ernie on the beach at the end is priceless.
