Tuesday, December 10, 2013

1120 Curry Lane - Key West - Home Buy Christmas

I will bet you that a lot of potential house buyers who have been scouring the Key West Association of Realtors mls website have seen the listing at 1120 Curry Lane and have no idea where it is.  If you do a Google Search and see an aerial view you will quickly learn that it is located on a one-way lane that runs parallel between Fleming Street to the north and Southard Street to the south.  You enter from White Street - about 100 feet to east and exit at Frances Street at the west. Curry Lane truly is one of the slow lanes of Key West because so few people know where it is or have any reason to go there other than to go home.  That means is it quite. Some may think it is too far from Duval Street. Nay, I say. I think a normal person could walk to Duval in 8 to 10 minutes or be at the historic seaport in 7 minutes or so.  (There are normal people in Key West - sometimes it may not look like it, but there really are some.)

If you have been reading my blog in recent months I have taken to exploring the old Sanborn Fire Maps of Key West to determine the approximate date when an old house I write about was built. Most of our public records were destroyed in the great fire. Workers from the WPA during the Great Depression created new records but affixed an imprecise date during or near the Depression as to the date when a particular house was built. We all know government work sometimes is nonsensical.  The government says 1120 Curry Lane was built in 1930.  The house did not exist in the 1889 Sanborn Map but it was there in 1899. So the house was built during that time. See a photo of the house as it appeared nearly fifty years ago and compare it with a recent photo.
The white picket fence is gone as is the standard white on white paint job. But the main house is pretty much the same today on the outside as it probably was when built. The interiors, however, are different by a long shot and today there is a two story guest cottage and pool spa at the rear..Most of the interiors appear to have been updated in the past 15 to 20 years.  Please take a look at the photos below and image how you might give this old house a new look. Maybe you will agree with me that 1120 Curry Lane has some hidden potential.

The kitchen is probably going to be the space where most folks will socialize. The space is quite large and offers views of the rear deck and spa. The poo, however, is located behind the guest cottage to the rear.
There are two quite large bedrooms on the second floor. Each has direct access to a Jack and Jill bath.  If I owned this house I would use the front bedroom with loft as the master suite because it has a really nice second floor front porch to sit and watch pretty much nothing.  However, if you have little kids they would probably be pestering you all the time to use the loft area as a fort. I might even go up there myself and pretend.  Other than Fantasy Fest, do you ever pretend?  Ah, the things we forget how to do when we grow up.
The two story guest cottage is plenty fine as is, but I would love to see what a couple of gay decorators could do to this place. And I don't think it would take too much money to transform this place into something sensational.  This is the money space if you have any intentions of renting the property as a vacation rental because the pool with the magnificent canopy is right out the back door.
I took more photos which you can see if you CLICK HERE. Please take a look. You will see different views of the rooms and spaces.

CLICK HERE to view the Key West mls data sheet on this home which is offered at $1,200,000. The house has 1720 sq ft of living space in the two buildings. The lot is 36' x 102' or 3799 sq ft.

If you would like to see 1120 Curry Lane or any other house in Key West, please contact me, Gary Thomas, 305-766-2642 or send me an email at kw1101v@aol.com.  I am a buyers agent and a full time Realtor at Preferred Properties Key West. If you buy this property, you will have a home in Paradise by Christmas next year. The logo photo below was taken last year at 1112 Curry Lane.  This is a wonderful little lane in Old Town Key West.

1 comment:

  1. DeAr SanTA,

    PLeasE brinG me SUm NeW ListiNGs iN kEy WeSt forE ChRisTmAs

