Friday, July 18, 2014

Verifeid: Gary Thomas does have a Heart

To Loyal Readers who have called or written emails in the past few weeks asking why I have not been writing as many blogs as normal, I want to let you know that I have not been my old self lately.  Put the emphasis on old. 

Many years ago I used to work in the commercial loan workout department at one large bank and then became manager of special assets department at different bank. During my years at both banks I encountered many people who had gazillion reasons why they had not or could not repay the money they had borrowed from the bank.  More often than I care to remember, a lot of women and several men (including a former Colorado State Senator) and a president of several small industrial banks in Colorado, would pull out their hankies and cry like babies over their self-created woes hoping I would stop my dogged pursuit of collecting the monies they owed.  I didn't fall for their crying game.  To them, I seemed heartless.  On the day we auctioned off the homestead, numerous sections of acreage, and farm machinery as the wife of a prominent Kansas farmer told me something like "Gary Thomas I hope you rot in hell. You are a heartless man!"  When someone tells you something like that, you might forget the exact words, but you don't forget the sentiment.  Her husband got to keep his very expensive Beechcraft Bonanza, however.  We never were able to get a security interest in that plane. 

Maybe, just maybe, the old farmer's wife was right:  I didn't have a heart.  I have been feeling a bit poorly lately.  I've had my share of nurses inserting needles into me, putting chemicals in me, and radiating my upper body looking for a heart.  I recently had to go to Miami for a more extensive look-see. I really got stuck with some mighty big needles and thingamajigs were sent thought my body in search of my heart. After about an hour of digging around inside of me, they found it. The passages were a bit crusty, but not so bad as to require a stint or worse, surgery.  My ex drove up with me and brought me back last night. He said I could tell people they found it:  Gary Thomas does have a heart.  The good thing is isn't broken and it is gonna keep on ticking. I just have to start taking medicine to keep the blood flowing.  This was good news to me, too. It sure beats the alternative. 


  1. Happy to hear it. Stay well Gary.

  2. Hi Gary! Morgan and Little Elizabeth and I send you best wishes for long life and good health. Your blog does a lot to keep my Key West dream alive, and I look forward to it every day. It's number 1 on my favorites list. Be well, Gary. The best is yet to come! May God bless and love you,

    Joseph Graham

  3. Best wishes and feel better Gary! I'll call you tomorrow about your Campbell Courtyard darling if I hit the lottery tonight.

    From one of your (MANY) loyal readers.

  4. Hope all is and stays well for you Gary. Best wishes from Colorado.

  5. Love your blog Gary and I check it every day. Good to hear that you are on the mend. I've read your blog so long I feel like I know you. BEST WISHES TO YOU!

    Another loyal reader in the midwest.

  6. So glad to hear everything is OK. I always knew you had a heart. I am sorry that I bothered you this week with my question knowing now what you were dealing with. Keep on writing, we love your posts!

    From your kentucky friends

  7. Feel better soon. Your loyal readers have all known for a long time that you have a heart - it shows in your writing.

  8. Glad to hear you're going to be OK. Keep that oil can handy!

  9. Best wishes to you and hope you have a long and happy life. Love your blog and drop in frequently. One of the best and interesting things on the wasteland that passes for the internet. Stay well.

  10. We Snowbirds want to add our wishes for good health! You keep our Key West thoughts alive when we are up north!
