Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Game of Frowns

A couple of days ago a fellow Realtor told me the story of a recent sale where the agent represented both the seller and the buyer in a real estate transaction. The house sold for a whole lotta money.  The seller's attorney had approved all contract documents including an addendum that itemized personal property the seller was leaving in the property including four TVs mounted to the walls. There should have been no surprises at or after closing. But there was. It seems the seller's moving company removed the four television sets and took them far, far away.  When the agent discovered that the TVs were gone, calls to the seller to return the TVs fell on deaf ears. So the agent bought for new TVs to make the buyer happy. The Seller was happy. The Buyer was happy.  The Realtor was a couple of thousand dollars poorer and wore a frown all week long.


  1. When you get 6% of "a whole lotta money" four t.v.'s are a drop in the bucket!

  2. It is not necessary that we would earn profit if we have owned a property. It requires special expertise as well as experience on the part of property management firms to convert it into a commercial property. We need the help of their experts to boost our profit.
