Thursday, July 21, 2016

German Class Cheater

I was never a super-achiever in high school. Nor was I super-achiever in college or even law school, although I did much better in law school.

During our office sales meeting a couple of weeks ago I was discussing agents in my community that are posting their new soon-to-be-listed properties on ZILLOW, TRULIA, and FACEBOOK. Our mls rules require that listings be posted immediately in our mls and they do not recognize anything like a future listing. The point of having an mls system is to share information and to provide an even platform among agents.

I then recounted an incident in my German class in 1964. We were taking a test and the girl who sat in front of me took out a crib sheet to answer some of the questions. She reached down toward her right foot and pulled a piece of paper up to her desk. She looked toward the teacher who was reading a book or something. Realizing she would go unnoticed, she cheated. I know a lot of people cheated in high school. This incident occurred more than fifty years ago and you'd think I wouldn't remember one person out of the many that I know who cheated in school. But I remember it clearly because she was a member of National Honor Society.

I took my time leaving class. I went up to talk to the teacher. I told her that I saw someone cheat, but did not say who. I told her it wasn't fair that people cheat to get good grades.  I don't know if I was making excuses about myself for not being a better student or that I was blaming the teacher for not watching the students better so that they could not cheat. I knew I didn't cheat, and I got mad when others got better grades by doing so.

A year ago when I was preparing to go home for my 50th high school reunion I looked through my old yearbook and saw her picture. I went to CLASSMATES dot com site and looked the cheater up. She is a REALTOR. I told the agents in my office "Once a cheater, always a cheater!"


  1. I don't get it. What makes this cheating?

  2. Dear Anon,

    1. Girl cheats using crib sheet.

    2. Teacher who does not proctor students during exam which makes cheating easy. Grades for some go up and teacher looks like she is doing a great job.

    3. Realtors violate mls rules by placing properties on websites that are driven by actual mls listings that get populated by these soon-to-be listed properties which is a violation of mls rules.

    4. By the way there is a lot of cheating in a lot of offices. This is not limited to just a few. Like in high school, I could name names. Cheating is a part of our lives. Some are better at it than others. Some are more brazen. Some are judgmental.


  3. Is that a really a rule?

  4. it is legal to upload an active mls listing onto Facebook and other media as long as the mls rules are complied with. Our mls has an easy upload feed to Facebook.

    Broker participants and their agents must input exclusive right to sell or exclusive agency listings on one to four unit residential property and vacant residential lots located within the service area of the MLS within a specific time period. The rules are precise. Failure to comply may be a violation of MLS rules.


  5. Remember one thing Gary; your fellow Realtors that do this kind of thing are generally not very relevant anyway. Not naming any names. Might be guys with the name Roger somewhere in their name. Might not be.

    You keep kicking butt doing it the right way.

  6. And I'm not referring to Rodger E.
    He's solid.

  7. Once again, another personal recollection of yours where you admit to being a tattle tale. You seem to fight your battles through others!

  8. I agree with your post! This is one of the most wonderful articles According to me.

    Synergy & Primavera P6 Consulting

  9. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a PI/Hacker and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i oo received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him through Gmail : (Worldcyberhackers) or WhatsApp : +12678773020 if you need help, infidelity hurts
