Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11 from Key West

I was driving some buyers around  Old Town Key West the other day and noticed American flags on all sorts of houses. That's not uncommon, but there were more of them being displayed than normal. And I recalled the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 was approaching. That explained it. 

I was in New York City a few weeks ago. That was my first visit since 1998. On the morning of  my first full day there, I took the subway to the Fulton Street Station. I emerged into a hot and humid colossus of towering buildings and streets with barricades. I wandered around with map in hand, turned a corner and then I saw it. I paused and took a photo.

I walked for several blocks until I reached the new One World Trade Center and Memorial. I was awed as were the thousands of people at the site. There were people everywhere. People from all over the world. I know this because they were not speaking English. I stood by the memorial and watched a family with little blonde children looking up at the buildings - probably not comprehending what all the fuss was about. They will someday. And for those of us who saw the terrible events unfold on live TV fifteen years ago today, we will never forget.

America is Great!
It never stopped being Great!

It is time for All of Us to respect each other today the way we respected the Heroes of 9/11.  Respect is earned by the deeds we do and the way we live our lives on a daily basis and not just when we are on display.  Teach our children well. They are our future.

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