Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Beware the Ides of March. Better Yet, Don't Do Dumb Things!

On March 15th of this year I noticed a bank owned listing at the Key West Golf Club community that looked interesting. I contacted the listing agent to ask permission to write about it in my blog. Soon thereafter I drove to the property to take photos. I often lock the front door so that nobody disturbs me, but this time I left it unlocked. I went about my business taking photos and creating a mental image as to features that stood out.  

The second floor front bedroom was both tall and wide. It had a vaulted ceiling and ran the breadth of the house. Unlike a lot of golf course houses, this one did not have a second story front porch. I closed the door and placed my tripod at the far right side to demonstrate the size of this spacious bedroom.  But when I tried to open the door I discovered the door knob lock set had automatically locked the door.

I was trapped. This had happened before at a different location. That time I called an agent in my office who came over to rescue me. However, when I called my office to see if anyone was in who could come help me out, I was told none of the agents were in the office. I was still trapped.

I then thought of Instagram so I posted the above pic there. That did not help.

And then I thought about calling Ken who I had sold a golf course property to. He came over within a couple of minutes and brought a little gadget that pricked the little gizmo that turned the thingamabob that unlocked the lock. Ladies, it's nice to have a man around the house that knows how to use tools.

Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, I was free at last!

I thanked Ken profusely for saving me. 

It wasn't until earlier this morning when I searched Instagram for the photo that I realized this dreadful event occurred on the Ides of March.

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