Saturday, March 24, 2018

Lock Him Up!

Six months have passed since Hurricane Irma whipped through the Lower Florida Keys. I live in Key West where most of the damage here was done to our huge old trees and with little damage or no damage to most of our homes.

Some of the people I know that live outside of Key West did not fare as well. This is a truc story of one such couple. I know a lady, husband, and their new born child who live a few miles  outside of Key West. They decided not to evacuate but to remain in the Keys for personal reasons.

After the storm passed they returned to their badly damaged home and found a stranger moving about inside. The lady got out her gun and told the culprit to "Stick 'em up!"  He complied. Her husband found some rope and hogtied the would-be thief.  The lady called the Monroe County Sheriff to report the capture of the burglar.  The voice from the Sheriff's Office said we are not open or words to that affect.

The couple were bound to not let their quarry go free. So they loaded the varmint into the back of their pickup truck and took him to the Monroe County substation on Cudjoe Key.  They removed the thief and placed him at the front door of the Sheriff's office. 
 I don't know what happened to the guy after that. I hope the Sheriff locked him up and saved him until the courts reopened where a judge may have put him away for a few days.  The fact that he didn't take anything is no reason to set him free. His intent to steal from people whose home was damaged in the storm can be inferred from his location inside the house during the daytime.


  1. Maybe he was a FEMA worker checking to make sure no one was hurt and in need of assistance after the storm? He did not take anything so how do we know he intended to steal something versus a Good Samaritan checking on a neighbor?

  2. Dear Anon,

    FEMA had not arrived the day after the storm. The Sheriff was not allowing any home owners to return to any of the Keys. It took days before US 1 was opened And like I wrote in the blog, they called the Sheriff who said the cop shop was closed.

    It was not a good Samaritan but rather a thief. A plain rotten thief.

    I stayed and I saw a lot of really nice people. Neighbors helping neighbors. And I saw a lot of price gouging. I was the victim of such gouging. I am not bitter. I know that is how some people operate their lives all the time. I try to stay clear of them as much as I can. But when you are really in need of someone younger and stronger or who has a skill set you do not have, you submit to the other. Or that is what I did.


  3. Well, maybe the man lost his home in the storm and needed food to feed his family. There was no electricity after the storm and perhaps all his food spoiled due to lack of refrigeration. Certainly if a man takes food out of desperation to provide for his family during an emergency, he should be forgiven. Under such circumstances, even a man that takes what is not his does not make him a thief, does it? Should he let his family starve during such extraordinary circumstances? Did he have any material goods in his hands when the owners showed up at the house or a box of crackers and cereal to feed his family?
