Saturday, May 5, 2018

In the Key West Closet

I check the Key West MLS hotsheet constantly throughout each day. It is important to know about each new listing and also be aware of price reductions and houses that go under contract. Just as important are new solds as they indicate what has sold, at what price, and identify the agents who listed and sold the property.

A few days ago I was drawn to the sale of little home a few miles outside of Key West. I seldom drive that far to show a house as most of my buyers want to be in Key West, and, more particularly, in Old Town. But for some reason I had to look at that listing.The main photo was a violation of our MLS ruls in that it showed the water. Rules dictate that the main photos should be of the house. The agent broke a little rule but that is why I looked at that listing. I hit the photo button and started to view the photos of the modest two bedroom home located at water's edge. I thought what a pretty view this owner had. The interior wasn't that much to look at but that was just the snob in me being judgmental.

I paused when I saw a photo of the living room where I noticed both a weight bench, an abs machine, and a treadmill. The owner or a tenant was perhaps a man who was into fitness.  Best not be too judgmental after that earlier remark I made.  I looked through the rest of the photos and saw a niche off the living room where various items were displayed including a ONE HUMAN FAMILY sticker which is seen on cars and in homes all over the Key West area.  Key West is a very welcoming community to all people.

Then I spotted the closet. No big deal; it's a closet. But then I looked at contents. What a snoop I was, and a snitch I am. Now I am telling and showing others far and wide about the contents of that closet. Look close at the shelves where you will see two pairs of stiletto high heels. The only girls in this town that wear heels this high are drag queens. How do I know this or why do I know this, you may ask. It's because Key West is so laid back that there are not that many places for women to wear high heels. Except...

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