Saturday, May 26, 2018

Key West Realtor Caravan: What Were They Thinking?

The Key West real estate  "selling season" starts just before Christmas and ends in late May. During that time the Key West Association of Realtors hosts twice monthly Realtor caravans to showcase new MLS listing to local agents. Agents are bused from house to house to see new listings. Agents who own Range Rovers, Bentleys, and Teslas drive their own vehicles. #TRUE

During a recent Realtor caravan I overheard a female agent remark "What were they thinking?" as she looked out to the pool area.  The Midtown house was well over fifty years old and looked every bit its age. It was vacant and smelled a bit moldy. The back yard and pool area was a mere 30' X 30' which included the 10' X 12' pool. The remaining outdoor area was entirely covered in concrete. The space was surrounded by walls on three sides and a six foot tall concrete block fence on the fourth. There were no palm trees or other greenery of any kind. You could see palm trees from the property on the other side of the fence, however.

The owners were asking more than a million dollars for this house. I suggested the listing agent buy  Emergency Moustaches to be worn when showing this place. #DIVERSION #EMERGENCYMOUSTACES #CONCRETEMESS

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