Monday, July 23, 2018

I Get Letters and More from Readers

I must confess the biggest joy I get from my blog is the sale of houses and businesses from people who learned about me by reading my blog. The next and most heart-felt joy is hearing from readers who have been touched in some way about something I have written. Comments about listings much appreciated. Sometimes I express  a political gripe that can lead to internet warfare. I hate when that happens. But at least I know people are reading for content.

In the past two weeks I received both an email a package from readers both of which were sent in response to a blog I wrote some time ago. Theses are not the only such letters or packages. One reader actually brought me a Jim Beam KEY WEST commemorative bottle. Another brought me  Wisconsin cow coffee cup. Another gave me a DRAG DOLLS book (I have no idea why). Other readers have taken me to dinner at Louie's Backyard, The Cafe Marquesa, Antonia's, and Pisces. I appreciate the food and gifts and this blog is not meant as a solicitation for more. 
The first letter relates to a story about my SUPERMAN and Me blog. CLICK HERE  to read in it's entirety.  The blog is basically my life story told in fifteen short paragraphs. It's nothing remarkable. But it shows how Superman and the ethics of a boy's life in the 1950's resulted in the real estate salesman and internet blogger in Key West today.  The sender has a website dedicated to all things SUPERMAN - Lots of photos of the man of steel. Michael wrote "I loved the story of how you got to Key West".
The second email was in response to my July 12, 2015 blog "There Is No More Officer Goody". That blog told part of the story of my return to Colorado to attend my 50th high school reunion. Earlier in the day I went to my elementary school where I spent the most formative years in my life. Officer Goody's son learned about the blog, read it, and sent me this nice note:
"... yes that was his name Officer Frank Goody. My Dad. Like all of us, He was no saint by any means, but he had that child's wonder about things all his life. I think kids could sense that the wonder in them was in him as well. My fondest memories of him were from long after the DPD . He spoke excellent Japanese and would often eat at family run Japanese restaurants to hear the language spoken by native speaker. Shortly after we would be seated you could expect a child to arrive at my father's side with a fine felt tip pen and a sheet of paper. My dad would ask in Japanese what the boy or girl wanted draw and whip out a cartoon of that child in a plane or on a tiger etc etc. A small very polite line would form by our table and while we ate & talked he would do a drawing for all the children of the Restaurant workers who were there. I often wonder how many adults today have a cartoon of themselves folded up in a drawer, drawn by my dad."
I found the above photo of Officer Frank Goody thanks to Google. If you take the time to read the blog, you may appreciate why this big and gentle man made such an influence on a little boy in kindergarten more than sixty years ago.

We all touch each others lives in some way. I use my blog and my photos to drum up business and sometimes comment about what's going on in our world. Please continue to read.

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