Thursday, November 22, 2018

My Worst Thanksgiving

For as long as I can remember, I would watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on TV. Over the years I decided it would be a real treat to actually see the parade in person. In 1998 a friend of a friend offered actual Macy's grand stand seats to me and my ex.This was going to be fun.

We stayed at a hotel on Central Park South. It was raining on Thanksgiving morning. I remember wearing jeans and a rain slicker. We both had umbrellas. We took a cab to near the Dakota. The grand stands were somewhere in that area as I recall. We found our seats and sat in the drizzle for half an hour to forty-five minutes or so. The drizzle got worse and worse. My jeans and slicker were soaked.  We decided to forget the parade and go back to the hotel.

We changed clothes and went down to the dining room and had Bloody Mary's and eggs Benedict.  The rain eventually stopped and we walked around Times Square. That was a bleak and miserable experience. I remember seeing people eating their Thanksgiving in McDonald's.

That night we went to Tavern On the Green for dinner. I had made reservations weeks in advance. We arrived a bit early but had to wait and wait and wait. The restaurant was crammed with loud people. We talked about going some place else but feared we might end up a McDonald's if we did.

We eventually got to sit down and order dinner. It took forever to arrive. It was terrible. The service was terrible. The whole experience was terrible.

We discussed going back to New York for this Thanksgiving.We didn't and for that I am thankful. It is supposed to be the coldest ever Thanksgiving Day Parade.  It is 75 degrees as I write this. Today's high is supposed to be 80. I am thankful for that as well.

I could be up in New York with several million people this week freezing my behind. Instead, I'm stuck in Paradise.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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