Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tale of Floor Duty in Key West

Several years ago I was a Realtor at Prudential Knight and Gardner Realty on Duval Street. I had floor duty that day which meant I was available to meet with potential buyers who would come inside to discuss buying real estate in Key West. I was in my office doing something on my computer when a man in his mid 30s and his father came in to discuss something. I left my office and met with the two in the reception area. The younger man was heavy weight and wore an ill fitting tank top that showed off his root beer belly. His dad sat on the sofa and said nothing.

The tank topped man asked me a question about the stock market.  I said we sell real estate, not stocks. He asked "This is Prudential, isn't it?" "Yes" I replied but added that the Prudential Securities was a totally different company. This discussion went on for a few minutes until he gave up on securities, and then asked me how much his house in Ocala was worth. I asked "where" to which he replied Ocala. I told him he needed to talk to a Realtor in Ocala, that I had no idea what houses are worth in an area that far away. He queried "You are Realtor, aren't you?" I said yes then added I did not know where  in Florida Ocala is located let alone have any idea what houses are worth there. In mind mind's eye I could just see his mobile home rusting in the hot Ocala Florida sun.
Then he asked how much houses in Key West cost. I asked what type of house and in what part of town. "Tell me all" he said. I pressed for more information from him about his needs and price range.  Instead he started a new line of inquiry - "Where on Duval is the all you can eat buffet?" I told him I didn't have any idea. His question explained how he got that root beer belly. He went back to discussing how much houses cost in Key West. He became very frustrated with my lack of knowledge about prices. Finally, he asked in all sincerity, "This is the Key West Indies, isn't it?" With that I said I had work to do, got up, excused myself, and went back to my office.

Shortly thereafter the receptionist thanked the two men for stopping in and then heard the door shut.  When I felt certain they had actually left the office, I went back to the reception area and asked her "Where is the camera?" I was sure I had been punked or that I was on Candid Camera. 
Today I am a Realtor at Preferred Properties Key West.  I still do floor duty on occasion. I still don't know where Ocala is. Nor care.

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