Monday, April 1, 2019

619 Virginia Street, Key West - Now Able to Show without Paying Ransom

Look at the above picture. Study it. Imagine one guy is a Realtor. The other guy is a tenant. One guys is a victim. One guy is a thug. Who is the good victim and who is the thug?
So this is my little story. I listed the above town home located in November 2018  in the Key West MLS for sale at the asking price of $899,000. This is only the second re-sale this new development of 21 town homes located one block from Duval Street in Key West. This unit is located poolside and is just one of three that has adjacent parking.
The two bedroom, three bath town home has 1394 square feet of brand new living space located next to the pool.  It has the wrap-around deck and a largest private yard of any of the units. It's located at the end of Virginia Street which dead-ends at the front door.

The owner engaged a rental agent to rent the unit as a monthly vacation rental and later decided to sell the place and to buy a place in Costa Rica. That's cool. We all change our minds.

I held several open houses in November and December and geared up toward selling season. I made plans with the property manager to show the unit during Season. All went as planned until the first guest arrived the day after Christmas. I'll call him Mr. Magoo. Magoo initially refused to allow any showings. The property manager eventually got him to allow me to do two showings. Magoo
Magoo gave me his number and said to call him to arrange future showings. When I did, Magoo said he didn't know the place was listed for sale when he scheduled his vacation. He said I am paying $10,000 a month. I think the owner should pay me to let you show disturb my vacation. I asked how much he felt was appropriate. He wouldn't say. I didn't tell the owner. Maybe I should have. I didn't tell the property manager. Maybe I should have. It was late in the stay and nothing would have changed. I decided to wait until I had another request for a showing. That happened the next week. i called Magoo. This time he said he wanted $500 to let me in the door. I declined and did not show the property.

The couple who stayed in February could not have been nicer. The man could not have been nicer and kept saying he wanted me to tell whoever buys the unit he wants to stay next year for two months. He loved the place.

And the couple in March were equally nice. They all paid the same price as Mr. Magoo. Two were gracious. One was an ass. That's life. That's my piece. You can have your say. I realize the guy paid $10,000. He would have paid the same amount for a smaller 680 square foot two bedroom one bath condo at Shipyard and had to share a pool with 170 some other people from up north. Some people are nice in life and some are jerks. It costs nothing to be nice.  Everybody remembers jerks. And everybody appreciates being treated nicely, even if they don't remember it.

619 Virginia Street is still available for purchase at $899,000. CLICK HERE to checkout the Key West MLS and then please call me, Gary Thomas, 305-766-2642, to schedule a showing. It's vacant at the moment and easy to show. I am a full time Realtor at Preferred Properties Key West.

Follow me on TWITTER for new listings, price drops, solds, and comments about stuff going on in Key West. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gary, I think for most people, when they sell their home, the very worst part of the process is dealing with showings. Always trying to keep the house sparkling day after day. Altering your schedule to accomodate, etc. Of course if you do not have to live in your house during the selling process it is not a problem at all. So I can envision your seller enjoying a care free month in Costa Rica, paying far less than 10K for a house while his renters are dealing with showings at his house in KW. Kudos to the folks who let you do showings but it most certainly would not have been us. I guess it does not hurt to ask vacation renters, upon their arrival, if they would be willing to put up with multiple showings during their stay. But you should not be surprised or indignant if they politely say no or change their mind after initially putting up with two showings as in your case. Totally different if renters are told about the situation up front and it is part of their negotiated rental agreement.
