Friday, October 4, 2019

Key West Real Estate Horror Story No. 16

Today's blog is another in series wherein I tell a story of some horrible event involving a real estate transaction. In this instance I was not a participant, but instead am just the narrator.  Some in Congress might call it hearsay.

I was talking to a former real estate agent yesterday and mentioned dog smells which led to cat pee.  He then told me about the time in the early 1990s when he listed an old mansion on Eaton Street that had been the site of a quaint little Italian restaurant in the 1980s. He mentioned the name and I said I ate there twice on my first visit to Key West in 1984. I recalled it did not have a liquor license and that we had to bring our own wine. As I recall we ate on the front porch. I am not sure if they had inside dining.

The buyer had a special condition in the contract that buyer would inspect the inside of the property the day before closing and that there would be no "cat piss odor".  The agent said he found some local company that advertised it could eliminate cat urine odor.  The company did whatever it was that they did and they got rid of the odor. The inspection went off without a hitch and the property closed.
While the company was doing its cat piss odor removal magic, a worker found a dead cat behind the stove. There was no telling how long it had been there.

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