Sunday, January 5, 2020

907 Frances Street, Key West

The above is Ronny Bailey's folk art depiction of how 900 Frances Street used to look like back in the day. I took a photo of the current building yesterday which is located just below along with a photo taken outside the gate of 907 Frances Street Key West about which you are to read further. (That building has been renovated. It looks decrepit on purpose.)  Living in and among Key West's historic structures is what makes our little town out in the middle of the ocean so different than all the rest of Florida. It's hard to get here and even harder to leave.

I rummaged thru my old shoebox and found a photo dated 1965 of 907 Frances Street. Compare it to the current day color photo. This lovely Conch Cottage was built around 1884. I found it on the 1889 Sanborn Fire Map when it was then identified as 106 Frances Street. Many of our historic houses have had house numbers changed. Many of the other smaller cigar maker cottages located on Frances Street, Havana Lane, Pohlalski Lane, and Jerome Lane remain. The old Pohalski Cigar Factory is gone. Each house is different today but much of the character remains.
This house has two bedrooms and two baths one of which is in the separate guest cottage shown later. The building sketch shows the main house. The livingroom photos dhow the Dade County Pine walls and ceiling. Two of the windows face the south side yard whch allow light to flow into the room.
The main bedroom is located just off the kitchen and the bath is located on the opposite side of the kitchen. If that configuration bothers you, Key West may not be the place for you. Out old houses have been updated to give them amenities never intended. This house has all the style of a Ralph Lauren cottage going on. It is perfectly imperfect.
While the guest bedroom looks reminiscent of a cabin in the woods, locals and returning visitors know Key West has great local theater, music, arts, plus lots of bars, gyms, restaurants, and water sports of all types. We can compete with almost any destination resort. Hotels and real estate developers can make new buildings look old, but, like COKE, the real thing is best.

CLICK HERE to view the Key West MLS datasheet and more photos of 907 Frances Street, Key West offered for sale at $835,000. Then please call me, Gary Thomas, 305-766-2642, to schedule a private showing. I am a buyers agent and a full time Realtor at Preferred Properties Key West.


  1. Thanks, Gary. Love your blog. Your post begs the question: what’s the deal with 900 Francis?

  2. Dear Anon,

    I do not recall that I have ever been inside 900 Frances. I wrote about it a couple of times in other blogs including when I blogged about 904 Frances.
    Copy and paste the link to see the backside of 900 Frances. The owner took out many permits to maintain and upgrade the property. The front looks the way it does on purpose.
