Saturday, May 23, 2020

Key West Real Estate Trivial Pursuit

Let's Play Trivial Pursuit. I will post old pictures of Key West houses and buildings. Readers should post the address or location..

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9

Number 10

Number 11

Number 12

Number 13

Number 14


  1. I thought I would be pretty good at this. But I can't name a single one. Love the concept though.

  2. 4. 825 Southard
    5. 924 Flagler
    7. 1023 Johnson
    8. Eaton Street house under construction now and listed by Brenda Donnelly. Can't remember address. I think you sold it originally maybe.

    9. Infamous cat house on Southard. Bank owned back during the crisis. 900 block I think.

    12. 512 Grinnell. You had the small house across the street under contract but it ended up going to auction instead.

  3. 8. Eaton Street house under construction now and listed by Brenda Donnelly. Can't remember address. I think you sold it originally maybe. INCORRECT.

    9. Infamous cat house on Southard. Bank owned back during the crisis. 900 block I think. INCORRECT.

  4. Crap!!!...great game Gary. Stay safe!

  5. Number 1
    Manley-DeBoer remodel around 1987. I took pic.
    828 William St. The pool floes under part of the two story building.

    Number 2
    Mail box house at corner of Elizabeth and Southard. No longer there.

    Number 3
    Pages Paint on White Street.

    Number 6
    Commercial building corner of White and Virginia. Demolished after the fire pictured above. It was a commercial sandlot until the new building was constructed.

    Number 8
    Former Dry Cleaning business. The had to excavate chemicals to make the lot for sale construction of the new house at 511 Elizabeth St.

    Number 9
    405 Olivia St. Renovated by Jay Fairbank. This place was a friggin mess. Jay did a really good job. Located opposite the Hemingway House and next door to cafe.

    Number 11
    709 Baker Lane. Former home of author James Leo Herlihy - Midnight Cowboy.

    Number 13
    723 Olivia St. This house was a falling down mess. Very well rebuilt house. I was surprised.

    Number 14
    I took this photo in spring 1987. My neighbor-to-be Greg Tolan was the general contractor doing this remodel of 1408 White Street.

    By the way the I sold Number 3 several years ago sight-unseen by the purchaser. I bumped into him a Publix the morning after I posted this blog. We had not seen each other in years. Yesterday I was taking photos for my blog and ran into another customer I sold a condo to in 2011. I had not seen her since then. Who will re-emerge into my life next?

  6. #7, 1023 Johnson Street.

  7. #12, 1017 Windsor?

  8. #12 is 517 Grinnell.

  9. This is great fun Gary!
    Thank you.

  10. Okay, I will go thru my shoebox and find some more stumpers.
