Sunday, May 17, 2020

Leftovers - Key West Style

I recently watched an episode on America's Test Kitchen on how to make a chicken pot pie. I had my own recipe of sorts but thought it appropriate to see how to do it correctly. I was surprised that the TV chef took the same same short cuts as me and ended up with very lick-smacking good looking pot pie. The chef recommended using store bought pie crusts and rotisserie chicken, onions, celery, carrots, and other leftover veggies to complete the pie. Using leftovers sames money and time. It's like they are free.

A few years ago while on Realtor Caravan in Key West I got to see the home of a licensed general contractor with whom I was familiar. He had done work for a couple of my customers. He had obviously updated much of his house and used what appeared to be left over items from prior jobs including tile used in my customers main bathroom. My customer was a nice-enough guy, but he was as tight as a nut on a Chrysler. I doubt he would have let the contractor just take the tile. And I am pretty sure that the contractor did not pay.

I later learned that contractor had been arrested for felony theft - not for taking leftover building materials but taking real money.  He is now a convicted felon. He served his time and was released on parole. He was recently arrested on multiple drug related charges.   
I don't know the actual statistics as to the ratio of native born Key Westers versus people like me who moved here to start a new life. There are a couple of patterns I have observed over the years as relate to both groups.  Many native Key Westers (Conchs) sell their family home and move to central Florida where it is less expensive to live to live out their remaining days. Many walk away from Key West with five hundred thousand dollars or more. Good for them. There are scores of people who have moved here with virtually nothing, got a job, showed up for work each day, proved their worth, advanced, got a partner or married, bought a home and maybe started a business. Many found the dream life they sought. And the last group is the most common. People come here looking for paradise. They get two or three job in order life. Many live in a crappy place by themselves, get a dog or car to be their friend, and turn to drugs or booze for solace. When life does not workout the way they planned, some abruptly leave Key West and go back home. Many others get arrested for drugs or driving under the influence. And they repeat the cycle for years.

You can make a really good chicken pot pie using leftovers and you can end-up in a lot of trouble if resort to theft to pay for your addictions.

Key West is re-opening on Monday and I will be writing about current real estate then.