Sunday, June 14, 2020

Another Knock Knock Story. No Joke.

About twenty years ago I was working with working with a gay couple who lived in the Virgin Islands and wanted to relocate to Key West to purchase a guest house.  There were only a few properties listed for sale at that time.

The listing Realtor was also the owner. He operated the business as a passive investor and was not involved in the day to day operations. He told me his manager would show the property. I set up showings for my customers and mentioned to a woman agent in my office that I would be showing Newton Street Station, an all gay male guest house. She had first hand knowledge about the place because she lived across the street and was intimately aware of it as she had watched the manager greet new guests in the nude for years. She had shown the property to prospective buyers and  said the manager conducted showings in the nude.

I searched our kegacy MLS files but could not find any listing photos from when the guest house was offered for sale. The photo below dates back to 1970 and appears to show some renovations underway. The property was located in The Meadows Area of Key West and about as far away from the excitement of Duval Street as one can get. The property looked pretty much the same in the late 1990s when I showed it. 
I told my customers what to expect. They took it in stride. I do not recall much of anything about the property as I avoided looking at the obvious. (I don't know why some men feel the need to show off - especially if they are too old to do so.) Over the following months I showed the guest house several more times to both gay and straight buyers. The manager always opened the door in the nude and always conducted the showings.

During that same time period I had a listing on a different guest house. I remember showing it afternoon when the buyers' agent mentioned he was going to show Newton Street Station right after leaving my listing. I warned to expect the manger to greet him and his customers in the nude. He was shocked but appreciated the warning. A few days later that agent and I ran into each other. He thanked me for the warning. He said had warned his straight buyers from the Midwest so they were not shocked.

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