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Monday, June 1, 2020

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This has been one of the saddest weekends in American History.  I am not taking a stance for or against anything.  I feel really sad for our country. 


Anonymous said...

Gary: Very sad. Pray for our country. KWJay.

Anonymous said...

You just did! While seemingly sad, let’s hope this episode in our history strengthens us as a nation and we rise stronger from the ashes. One thing is for sure, people are not going to sit back and watch our elected officials, elected in gerrymandered districts and elected (or anointed) by an un-democratic electoral college or Supreme Court, bring us back to the supposed “good old days” when black folks and women “knew their place”. Whatever actually happened in our 2016 election, and hopefully one day we find out. One thing is for sure, the majority of people do not agree, and vehemently object, to the direction we are going as a nation. Black folks are not going to sit back idly as their civil rights, right to vote, and very lives are taken away. We now have cameras and know exactly what happens in these situations. There will no longer be the fire hoses or the unleashing of the dogs without consequences. They can deny the use of pepper spray but we all saw it and the night sticks with our own two eyes. The majority of hard-working and upstanding Hispanics are not going to ignore the dehumanizing rhetoric from the Orange Stain nor the denigrating policies against Dreamers living here their entire lives and the separation and incarceration of children brought here through legal asylum laws because most people understand that those coming here are merely seeking a better life here in America. The majority of women will not accept rolling back of their hard earned right to control their own bodies mandated largely by white men. The LBGQ community is not going back in the closet. No, these demonstrations (and some riots) are because the majority of people in this nation (and we are a majority) are fed up being treated as the minority when we are clearly the majority. Even with the gerrymandering, modern day poll taxes, voter ID disenfranchisement, illegal foreign assistance, crooked judicial rulings forgetting judges are supposed to uphold justice and not robots reading strict text, but at some point the majority of people in this nation will demand that their voices are heard. It will either come through the ballot box or regrettably by adopting the unfortunate tactics adopted by the other side or worse. This is an important time in our nations history. We will either rise to the occasion or become unrecognizable, no longer a Great nation. To those who doubt what we stand for in principle, and the leadership we represent in the world, just turn your eyes to Europe. In Great European cities, they too are marching holding signs for George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, etc. but are really rooting for America to get back on track to represent the ideals the entire free world admired in us since WWII and before. While understanding we are not perfect, it is high time that we once again strive to become “A More Perfect Nation”. We can and must do better!!!

Gary Thomas said...

I spent the last couple of hours on TWITTER. Not tweeting. Watching the Police Riots across the country. I was in Chicago in 1968 and witnessed what out of control cops can do. It is happening again all over the country. I am scared. Trump unleashed them. They have guns.

Anonymous said...

Charles Eimers. Enough said. Not black or white. Ugly. KWJay


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