Thursday, June 4, 2020

True Key West Real Estate Related Stories in the Time of Covid-19 Part Five

Since the real news over the past few days has been so frightening, I thought I would share another true real estate related story from Key West. The real estate angle of this story relates to the oddity but real fact that four businesses offering the same service are located on the same block in our town. I have chosen to portray the businesses as a DVD rental stores.

So I went into the DVD rental enterprise to rent a DVD. I knew the owner.  We were talking about life in Key West. I asked the owner why there were four DVD rental stores on the same street. The owner said it just kind of happened that way. Each owner gets his/her share of the regular and walk-in trade. Then the owner told me something I had never heard about one of the other DVD stores. It's a front for what goes on in the back. The owner of one particular DVD store is a dominatrix. What?

The DVD store owner told me the dominatrix has her "regulars". Excuse me, there is nothing "regular" about this - even for Key West! But what do I know about what straight people do for fun. 

Yesterday I blogged about the empty storefronts on Duval Street.  If you are looking for a place to open a DVD store, there may be a location available.

1 comment:

  1. Gary, I’ve been there. Sometimes rougher the better, but I couldn’t get out of bed the next day. Icing my tender spots every other hour. I’ll return, just gonna tell her a little lighter while in the sex sling....KWJay
