Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Waitng Game

Waiting to find out who Ghislaine Maxwell exposes.  There will be hell to pay all over the place - of that, I am pretty certain. Men cheat. Men lie. Some lie all the time. This is going to be good if she lives to tell about it. 


  1. Most truthful thing you've written in years.

  2. I don’t know why anyone would spread conspiracy theories. .Just because Epstein’s cell mate was transferred out, leaving him alone, Epstein was taken off suicide watch a few days earlier, The guards supposedly responsible for checking on him every 30 minutes fell asleep. And Both cameras outside of his cell malfunctioned does not mean there was foul play and a coverup. Look Trump said he was not involved and that Clinton was responsible for the murder (for real) and Trump has never lied to us before.
