Monday, October 5, 2020



I clicked on a TWITTER link CLICK HERE showing strange things some Realtors have post in their MLS listings.  Below are photos of properties I have blogged about or photographed for customers.

The house below was a fixer to say the least. The least I say, the better. Pics talk for themselves.

Look Closely at the Cobweb Design

15 Years Old Daughter's Bedroom
Maid's Year Off
That place was renovated and won a prize. Not revealing the address.

The house below was foreclosed upon.
The former owner removed some structural beams causing major damage
I Can't Remember How the Listing Agent Described this Pool

The house below was a bank foreclosure. I remember showing it to a couple and their 15 year old son whose head reached the first floor ceiling. It wasn't that he was that tall. Instead, the ceiling was way too low. Oddly it had and outdoor shower and fully functional toilet in the back yard under the rear stairs.

Another bank owned home in The Meadows Area near Old Town proved equally unusual. It too had a functioning toilet located outside. Photo below. I say this is unusual but not solitary. I have seen similar toilets located outside houses. The comic characters were painted on an interior wall of that house. I have blogged about other houses in Old Town which had functioning toilets located in the back yard. And there was on house on Grinnell Street that was illegally made into three apartments. It had a functioning toilet in the main floor kitchen. I searched my photos but could not find it. Strange, yest. True, yes.

The house below became a short sale of sorts. The owner lived there until a deal could be put together. This was the interior of a former department head of the City of Key West. Former!

Robot maid locked in closet with her Hoover.

Oh, do I remember the fragrant aroma of cat piss in this apartment a mother and young daughter shared. They knew I was going to show the apartment building. This is real life for some people.

The above house was abandoned for years while trying to get the bank to accept a short sale offer. And this is what happened during the period of abandonment. Banks being unreasonable. Actually that's not strange.

I am Gary Thomas. I sell houses in Key West. I am a full time Realtor at Preferred Properties Key West.


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