Saturday, October 10, 2020

True Tales of Key West Real Estate in the Time of Covid 19 - Part Seven


This is another true story of Key West real estate.

Several years ago two adjacent properties owned by the same owner were placed on the market. Both properties were in need of renovation but were priced in my buyers price range and were reasonably located. Both houses had more tenants than licensing laws allowed. That is common here and a lot of other places across the country. I set up showings in advance so that my buyers could see each of the units. The listing agent is very diligent and got approval from the seller and notified tenants in advance of the showings.

We arrived at the agreed time and were greeted by a member of the listing agent's office. This happened so long ago that the agents were not called "Teams". We looked each unit in the first building. Then we moved next door where the aggressive female tenant refused to let us see her apartment. The agent could not persuade her to allow us inside. She said she had not be given proper notice. We moved on to another unit which I recall was located upstairs in the rear. The woman tenant reappeared outside in the back yard shared by tenants of both buildings. She had a rake in her hands. I think I asked if we could go inside her unit as she was outside. I probably probably promised our inspection would be very brief/ As I recall she snarled - or something like that.  She was genuinely menacing. I don't recall that she said any threatening words, but her whole persona projected evil - like a Stephen King character.  The husband pulled me aside and said we should just move on. He would not want to have to deal with her likes if he bought the place. And so we did - move on.

My buyers bought a perfectly wonderful cottage in a highly desirable location with very nice neighbors. I don't know if that seller ever sold those two properties.



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