Sunday, November 1, 2020

Experience is a Good Teacher - The 1974 Mid-Term Election

I have a premonition that next week's election may be a replay of the 1974 mid-term elections that shook up American politics for a generation. We were emerging from Richard Nixon's resignation followed by President Ford's pardon of Nixon. The pardon may have been the best thing to help heal the country, but it outraged many of us to vote out the Republicans the next chance we got.

The cumulative total of Trump's misogyny, rants, lies, misdeeds, pardons, voter suppression court packing the federal judiciary, abandoning our allies and kissing up to Putin, feigning knowledge of white supremacists, and failing to protect America from Covid is fodder for good people on both sides this election. Enough!

I attended the post election rally of Colorado Democrats at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Denver on November 5, 1974. The state and national results came in quickly. I got up on the stage and took photos of the newly elected United States Senator Gary Hart, Congressman Tim Worth, Congressman Frank Evans, Governor Dick Lamm, and re-elected Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder. They were among the 4 new United States Senators, 49 new Congressmen, and 4 new Governors elected that day all across America. State houses and local governments flipped as well.


Every person is entitled to an opinion. That is mine. Yours is yours. Vote like your way of life depends on it. Elections have consequences. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Readers, I misjudged the mood of the country. We did elect a new president but did not vote out the enablers that gave Trump the power to rule in such a despicable manner.
    I watched THE IMPOSSIBLE on Netflix a couple of nights ago. It is the story story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. I was on the edge of my bed for two hours. Near the end two of the three young boys, maybe 6 and 8 years old, were separated from the father. They sat on a bus being driven away to who knows where. They were scared out of their minds. They were such beautiful little blonde white boys. And then my mind suddenly jumped to the pics of Mexican children in cages. What is it, 594 children the US government cannot reunite with their parents?
    I really bothers me that so many Americans have looked away at all of the immoral and sometimes illegal things the Trump administration did.
    As I write this only Mitt Romney has congratulated Biden and Harris on the election.Where is the sense of decency and protocol in the Republican party?
    I am out.
