Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday the 13th as a Predictor of Successful Real Estate Location

We all know how this story will end. You know the ending within a few minutes after the movie starts - you just do not know how it will occur. There is always a pretty girl or dog or maybe an idealistic home when something suddenly happens. 

This a true story of Key West real estate. But the story could play out anywhere because the primary dynamic of real estate sales are universal and unforgiving - location. But this story is also very particular  as to Key West. 

Even though Key West a lot of very fun things to do on Sunday afternoon, watching polo matches and bowling are not among the many.  Locals and tourists seeking cheap alternatives turn to Open Houses pretending to be buyers. Seasoned locals often opine on the value of the properties demonstrating their superior knowledge of the Key West real estate market. 

I like holding open houses which sometimes lead to a sale. But they also get other Realtors to see my listing which may lead to a showing.

I remember open house I hosted in Old Town a couple of years ago. U was there more than three hours. I arrived early and closed late. The house still had two or three late arriving older couples taking self-tours. I went to the street to retrieve my Open House signs. When I arrived back at the house one of the couples was just exising. I asked them if they had any questions. We went back inside and I showed some of the things they missted. And that is when the gent said they did not come to look at my lising, They came to interview me as one of the top Realtors in Key West. (I know there was gonna be a catch.) 

The gent told me they were completing the total renovation of their house on a X street. They asked if I would be interested in listing it. I told them I knew the house and that I did not want to waste my money on a photographer nor my time hosting opnen houses and showing the house whici I said would take a couple of years. I told them of anogther neraby house on X street that was on the market for nearly three years. They looked aghast. Then she or he said they got permission to change the street from X to Y. I quickly said when buyers arrive they will know it is located on X , Virtually nobody wants to buy a house on X street I wished them well.

One by one the pretty girl, the nerd. the jock, the camp couselor, the other pretty girl, the gay boy - all go outside., do foolish things, and get killed. They could all be alive today if they had only not done something foolish. The End.

The house still has not sold.

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