Sunday, December 27, 2020

Who You Gonna Call?

Yesterday morning I was searching the Key West MLS for new listings and saw property that looked interesting. I clicked the CRS Tax Info tab on my agent console and nothing happened. I clicked again. Nothing happened. Odd I thought. So I went to the Monroe County Property Appraiser website and typed in the address which brought up the property. 

Later in the day I went back to my agent console and clicked the TAX link again. Still not working.

Then in the afternoon I opened an email from the Key West Realtors CEO advising this:


Due to the Explosion in Nashville CRS Tax Data is experiencing an Outage of the CRS Data websites and email. I will send an update when it is restored.

Best regards,

It is still not working Sunday morning as I write this. 

Ever since 911 there has been talk of another act of terror or multiple acts of terror that could target our infrastructure and render parts of the United States defenseless. We have spent Billions upon Billions of dollars to set up systems and re-routing systems to protect against such an attack or attacks. Well it did not work. I don't care about the TAX link. I care that this attack proved how down right vulnerable we are. 

If we do not have electricity, or water, or communication, the safety of our homes is at risk be it momentary or long lasting. I would like to know who has been in charge while this mess was occurring. And who is going to fix it? We are at risk.


That is the AT&T Building in Nashville at the top of the page.

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