Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!



  1. Happy New Year, Gary! And a happy, warm, and wonderful birthday to you as well! Your blog is a joy and keeps me tuned into Key West when I'm not there. It's the first page I read whenever I fire up the old Google machine and I so appreciate your thoroughness as well as your crisp, witty, and thoughtful writing. Yes, your blog gets a few trolls, but who's doesn't? You're doing yeoman's work. And you, Sir, are The Keeper Of The Dream! Happy Birthday and many, many happy returns!

  2. Thank you Joseph and a Happy New Year to you!

  3. Gary, happy new year! And I pray you get a proofreader to correct some hilarious spelling and grammatical errors. God knows you need it. Signed, the happy grinch.
