Friday, February 26, 2021

Tell Ralph

Living on a small island at the end of America has its advantages in so many ways. But there are some disadvantages like keeping private matters private. I was reminded of this point yesterday as I was leaving home for my office. "Ralph" my tree trimmer, was cutting down a volunteer tree next door. A volunteer is a plant or tree that springs up out of nowhere. I was told birds poop and deposit seeds from various sources and nature takes it course. Nature created a monster tree that grew to huge proportions and then lost a limb in the wind and damaged my neighbor's roof. Good riddance. Ralph took a break to talk to me. "What about this real estate market?" and then proceeded to tell me gossip about several house deals including a big house nearby that he claimed to have the inside knowledge on. 

He has done this for years. I learned a long time ago not to tell Ralph anything because he is the town gossip. You know the saying "Telegram, Telegraph, Tell-a-Ralph!". In the days before Facebook you only needed to tell Ralph or one of several other gossip girls - either sex, same result. Sharing is caring - or Karen. 

Photo at top is not the tree and not Ralph.

1 comment:

  1. I’d rather have “Ralph” instead of a witch I have next door. Every time she has a broom in her mitts, I know it was meant to be....
