Wednesday, March 31, 2021

True Tales of Key West Real Estate in the Time of Covid 19 - Part Ten

This is a true story about real people and real estate in Key West. Several years ago I worked in a large real estate office with headquarters in Key West and several offices throughout the Florida Keys.

The Key West office had a lot of agents including several "top producers". One of the top producers was a woman I will call Mary - Mary Contrary. Mary was big on the social scene. She was at a dinner or function all the time. She was easily recognizable in any crowd. She had  many listings and many buyers. She was a whirlwind of activity. She had a female assistant (who I will call Karen) to help manage her thriving business. Karen worked for Mary for several years and did the chores assistants do. One year Karen got her Christmas bonus. She never came back to work. She gave no notice. She just did not return to work.

Mary found a new assistant who I will call Eric. Mary found a winner in him. He had a real estate license and excellent computer skills. Eric was quiet. He had his own office where he immediately took over the control of Mary's life and business. When you are top producing Realtor your life is your business and vice versa. Eric worked for Mary two and one-half days. He went to lunch and did not return. He didn't work long enough to get a Christmas bonus. He didn't work long enough to meet many of the people who worked in the office. He didn't work long enough to give Mary a chance.

I can't remember exactly how Mary figured out what happened. She was not a hands-on type of person. But she did. Before leaving Eric destroyed all of Mary's computer files - her listings, her old files, her contacts, her emails, HER LIFE.

I don't have a moral for this story. I do not understand how one person can take such advantage of another. People do it tall the time in business without blinking an eye.

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