Thursday, May 13, 2021

Key West Real Estate Throwback Thursday No 21

From March 31, 2018

Key West - Is that all you got?


I think a lot of people think selling real estate is easy. A Realtor simply sticks a sign in the ground, puts pictures in the MLS, and buyers show up to buy a house.  A Realtor then sends the contract to the title company and a big fat check is wired to the agent. That would be great. But that is not what happens.
I remember the time I had a particularly bad day. (Wait, as I write this I had a flash - when is that not the case? I have so many bad days.)  I got a call from my clients. They had decided to follow my advice and asked me to go to their house to sign the contract I had presented to them much earlier. Many things had happened during the intervening time period, none of which were good, and many which were predictable. I decided to meet with them in person to get the contract signed to reduce the chance of change of heart. I got in my car and headed to my clients' house.   
Key West was particularity busy that day. Tourists were everywhere - in cars, on bikes, walking in streets with go cups, jay walking into traffic taking selfies and dragging kids behind. It was bedlam.

I was sitting at a red light behind a car with tourists. The light turned green. The tourist-mobile did not move. The driver had her left turn signal on and seemed to wait and wait and wait for all the traffic from the opposite direction pass. That is the proper thing to do. Then there was no traffic. Yet she waited. Maybe she had not noticed there was no traffic. I gave a short "beep" as opposed to a blast from my horn. She edged forward but paused long enough that I would have to wait for the next light. She finally turned and stuck her left hand out the window with the middle finger pointed toward God. I accelerated and went strait through the intersection before the yellow light turned red. I simply laughed and said to myself "Is that all you got?"
I got the contract signed and eventually got my commission. I went through a small amount of hell along the way to get that deal done. Some readers will gripe that Realtors make too much money for so little work. When I was a kid I worked hard for every dollar I made. Physical labor is so easy compared to the stuff I go through now.

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