Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Key West Trivia - 1

This is what Key West might look like if it were up to homeowners or apartment owners. I criticize our Historic Architectural Review Commission from time to time. but it has saved Key West from the untrained and the greedy. Take a look and see the different additions someone made to this one time Conch House or revival style home. I don't have picture of the front but I can distinguish the original house from all of the additions. Let's look.

Key West has always been a naval and military town. Always. During World War II many home owners enclosed front porches to create bedrooms and living spaces for military and others. It was an easy and inexpensive fix to a housing shortage. Over the years the enclosures were removed from many of the buildings. 

Some of the original houses did have dormers, despite what HARC believes (508 William Street* has six dormers). But the dormer at this place is awful. 

This is an abomination. What would have been the fourth window was made into a doorway with exterior entrance or emergency exit. The door is out of character with the other elements of the house. If you look closely you will see exterior plumbing supply and sewer lines and electric lines to various parts of the house.

This is clearly an addition. It does not even try to emulate the style of the original house. Only the shutters and unpainted clapboards match other parts of this house. 

Where is this house? Does it still exit? Give me the address and I will edit this post and add a current photo. Go!

* 508 William Street 


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