Monday, May 24, 2021

Knock Knock in Key West


This is a True Story related to me by a friend and local real estate broker. The broker has a long lasting business relationship with his valued customer who called him soon after the "Knock Knock" story concluded.

There was a knock on customer's door.


CUSTOMER: Who's There?

REALTOR:  I am a Realtor. I have a Two Million Dollar Buyer for Your House!

Upon which the customer opened the door only to meet a woman who identified herself as a real estate agent in Key West. She said she was working with a buyer who was prepared to make a two million dollar offer on the man's house. She explained her real estate background and asked if she could show the house customer. The property owner dubious but did not call his agent. He told the real estate agent okay and decided to see what happened.

The next day there was a knock at the door:

 Knock Knock. 

CUSTOMER:  Who's there?

REALTOR:  The REALTOR from yesterday.

The owner opened the door but the buyer was not with her. The owner invited the agent inside whereupon the agent pulled out a listing agreement as she started to describe how she planned to market the property. 

The owner got up and showed the lady agent to the door. He called his long time Realtor to tell the story. My broker friend told me the name of the national brokerage which has an office in Key West but did not tell me the name of the agent.

There are at least two ways of viewing this story. One is the lady agent was protecting her commission by getting the owner to agree to pay a commission before she showed the property. That makes sense. 

An alternative explanation and probably what really happened is the agent was knocking on doors looking for listings. 

1 comment:

  1. That’s a true “cold call”. Yes, not right, but at least she got off her a** and tried to get business instead of the classic realtors that sit home, waiting for the phone to call with a seller or buyer.. I know, and met some agents that truly have a GED, and don’t know a thing of properties, such as where’s the hot water tank, where’s the air handler, what’s the HOA’s? They look at you with a blank stare.
    Sorry, not 6, 3, or 1% commission for these misfits.
