Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How Safe is Anything?

I watched in horror last week at the collapse of the Champlain Tower in Surfside, Florida last week and predicted the outcome of ultimate loss of life. I saw no way for any survivors. Not in that rubble. As the days have now become a week it will become a month of weeks and then more. Bodies will be discovered and identified. Services will be held. The cameras and incessant local news coverage will cease. We will forget and focus on the next tragedy - a raging fire in California or a hurricane in the Caribbean. There is always something awful.

I was standing on the balcony of a three or four story hotel in Corpus Christie forty some years ago with Dan, a fellow attorney who worked in the same bank. We were there on a workout of a problem loan. I was leaning against the corner when Dan yelled at me to back off that. He said something about not knowing what lazy Bozo who installed it. I thought about and immediately understood exactly what he meant. 

I think the collective "we" or "us" assume that the things we routinely use are safe. If that were really trued there would not be so many litigation attorneys. Architects plan buildings. Builders build them. Plumbers, electricians, welders, and tradesmen of all type contribute to the process. Inspectors inspect and presumably pass on the completed project. 

In some instances, usually homes but maybe small apartment buildings or commercial spaces, a homeowner or handyman may make an addition that did not go through formal building approval and inspection process. Or maybe the owner just replaced something that stopped working. Maybe the owner had good intentions or maybe he just wanted to save a bit of money or even just save time. 

If a guy with a drink in hand leaned against that balcony which failed and the guy fell four floors and hit his head that exploded like a cantaloupe who is to blame? Him for being drunk and leaning? The hotel management company, members of the board of directors, the building manager, or the inspector for not doing his job correctly? The general contractor? The guy who screwed the bolts in place. The company who manufactured the bolts? 

Yesterday afternoon I started envision all of the finger pointing and litigation that will arise as a result of tower collapse. This won't get settled in my lifetime. The lawsuits will be endless.

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