Monday, July 19, 2021

This is Key West ! - The Miracle on 34th Street Excuse


 I was maybe fifteen years ago or so that I retrieved what looked like a federal income tax refund check from my mailbox. The envelope had one of those glass-like openings that showed the name and delivery address. Except that the name and address on the envelope were not mine. I was quite concerned that I got what might be some other person's tax refund check - so much so that I took the check to the Key West Post Office. I waited in line for my turn to see the postal clerk. When I was called forward I asked to speak to the Postmaster.

The clerk left and a minute or so later a man appeared. I can't recall if the man was the actual postmaster or just a supervisor. I handed over the envelop with government check inside and expressed my concern that something so important was mishandled. He said "This is Key West!" as if that was an excuse for incompetence and not doing one's job properly. 

I was saddened at the government's lack of concern. I would have preferred the man at least say "Thank you. I will look into it." But he didn't. I have heard the same refrain "This is Key West!" from so many people over the years. It is like anything is excusable because it happened in Key West where rules of conduct don't really matter - it is a license not to do one's job properly. 

Remember the scene in Miracle on 34th Street when the postal carriers piled bags of letters addressed to Santa Claus on the judge's bench. The judge said "Since the United States government declares this man to be Santa Claus this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed." Cute side-stepping of his judicial responsibility, the judge blamed the government for setting the standard.

People who live and who own property in Key West have become desensitized by no shows, slow work, and incompetence now express gratitude when a worker actually shows up. Don't get me wrong. I love it here. I just settle for less.



1 comment:

  1. It’s called “keys time”. Whenever the contractor, be it painter, carpenter, or even cable service. Our third house in Key West, we wanted tv/internet service. We made an appt with Comcast for the following Monday at 10:00 am. Monday comes and goes, along with Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, until we get a telephone call late afternoon on Friday of that week. The provider asks if they could come out now.
    We graciously declined, and to this day we only have internet from a different company, no tv.
    That’s only one case. Could go on and on. You sometimes wonder if it’s a third world country….
