Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Before It Was Made Perfect

I was rummaging around my old shoebox and found some photos of the old Albury House on Southard Street. The house was purchased over a decade ago but it still seems like it was only a couple of years. It is absolutely perfect now. But it was totally different in 2009 when I took these photos. Enjoy.


The back side of the house looked like it might fall off. It didn't. A pool would be built in the open space. The old kitchen was made new with doors that open wide to view the pool. But back 2009 kitchen was but a wreck of a relic. And that is why this house was so incredible before it was made perfect.

 I sell houses to rich people because nobody else can afford them.

1 comment:

  1. I’m sure Mrs Albury would be overwhelmed with the transformation, I can still picture her sweeping the porch.
    Key West Jay
