Sunday, October 10, 2021

Key West's Hot Real Estate Market - Caught Off Guard Twice in Two Weeks

I was in Colorado two weeks ago when Roger Emmons of Truman and Company listed an empty lot across the street from where I live for $1,450,000. The corner lot is just 4,265 sq ft or 91' X 47' feet. I previously wrote about the property when there was a 1950s house and pool. Current owner owns the property across the street and took the existing house down and filled in the pool. He bought the property for its land value. He paid $1,182,747 in March 2020. The lot sold in two days on the market and closed this week for $1,400,000 ($328 per square foot land only) or a profit of $217,253 in 18 months. Not bad I'd say.

I remember showing the formerly listed property to a know it all who already owned a home here. I told him the value of the lot by itself and suggested he snap it up, rent the place out as is for a couple of years and bank the property. He declined. 

Earlier this week Dan Skahen in my office told me he was listing 411 Louisa Street and asked me if I had any buyers. I do. But they are up north making money. I sent them info but waited for the MLS to appear so I could send them current photos. My buyer responded he could not come down to look until October 15. The house was listed on Oct 4 for $2,975,000 and went under contract on October 8th.  The agent told me he had three offers the first day it was in the MLS.

I have buyers coming town to look for a nice place they can rent and retire  to in a few years. They are hoping to find a place under $1,000,000. I sent them two places that meet their cireteria. They responded they remember places in Truman Annex that sold in their price range. First the only property currently listed in Truman Annex is offered at $3,700,000. And there are few properties on the island listed under $1,000,000. What buyers could buy a year or two ago no longer exist at or near those price  points. 

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