Thursday, October 28, 2021

Live Your Dream! Lose Your Virginity!



Above photo taken October 24, 2014 across the street from Bourbon Street Pub. That's somebody's mother. It has nothing to do with real estate. Just wanted to post it in remembrance of that day.

I started today's blog on February 14, 2011 but did not post it. I found it while searching the word "auction" because today, October 28th, is the anniversary of the day I purchased my first property in Key West. Take a brief read. What I wrote then is playing again.

I hosted an Open House yesterday. Quite successful, in fact. I had 107 plus people.I got so busy I lost track while talking to potential buyers. I kept hearing similar remarks about how much the market has recovered and how much so many people want to buy a place here. There were, of course, the neighbors and lookie-loos who show up at any open house. I recognize many of them when they walk past the front door. Those folks are usually in and out in just a few minutes. They are semi-pros. They watch the mls and read blogs about Key West real estate (copycats all).  But the virgins, the people who have been to Key West once or many times who finally decide they think they want to buy a house, they are the people that get my attention. It's as if they are back in high school and ask their friend (me) to see if its safe to ask that certain someone if they liked the other person. Only in the case of real estate, is it okay to look, to touch, to buy? Will I fail? What if I fail? What if I pay too much? Will my life be better if I buy a place in Key West? Yes to the last question. As for the other questions, if you don't take the step and lose your virginity, you will never know the joy of sex, I mean the joy of living here. 

I have written several times that it took me nine years to finally buy a place here. I made many ill fated offers prior to that. My offers were usually too low in price or too harsh in terms of requiring the seller to warrant this or that or some other legal mumbo jumbo. I lost my virginity at a public auction with a bunch of others in a competitive bidding. I got the nerve to make the bold move to out bid the others and ended up getting the grand prize. Instead of bidding lowest, I bid highest. But I got the prize everybody else wanted. 

In Key West real estate most places are one-of-a-kind. The real estate market in Key West is really brisk right now. Town is full of people and many of those people go through the thought process of wondering if they could or should buy a place here. Some look at the signs on real estate company front porches or boxes attached to listing signs. Some contact an agent and go look at houses to see how much things cost. 

New: That's where I stopped. That blog never got published. Ten years have passed. The place I bought sold twice after i sold it. It is making a mint. All guest houses are. Real estate prices are beyond crazy. The thing that holds true is there is only one Key West. I have heard but never visited other coastal areas that have old towns kind of like Key West.  But they are not the same because they have old houses. The thing I don't like is also the thing I have become a part of - looking at real estate as being a cash register. I can't change that. Money in. More money out. That's the way it works. Virgins welcome.


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