Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

I found this photo of Thanksgiving celebration in Key West dated 1954. The first thing I saw was the turkey, then the ham, and then the lady on the far left with a cocktail glass in her right hand with left arm raised and index finger pointed. The woman next to her copies her pose as if making some secret Key West salute. All of the other mothers have their arms raised holding cocktails as well. I saw the hot plate and the over-sized pots. I remembered the lunch ladies in my grade school cafeteria and the aroma of mystery meat. They are all drinking alcohol. Look at all the booze! Lots of it. This was not a school function. And these are not lunch ladies. 

Of course this is not a school. Look at all of the switches on the wall and all of the light fixtures behind the women. This must be a light store or hardware store. I looked in my shoebox and found phots of two electric stores in Key West in the 1950s. The first is 504 Angela located across from my office. It is now a bar. The lower photo is 215 Duval Street. It later became and still is Shorty's. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all the lunch ladies, drinkers, non-drinkers, recovering drinkers and potential customers! 

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