Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Jail Happenings in Key West

The late night comics, the press, the pundits at FAUX NEWS, The Twitter-verse, and TikTok Creators poke fun of the crazy sh*t that happens in Florida, Last week they took aim at the Key West county jail. Our real jail a few years ago below.

Florida inmate charged with assaulting his roommate told cops that the victim “farts too much stinking up the cell” and fails to “give a courtesy flush” after using their shared toilet, according to an arrest report. Investigators allege that Christopher Callen, 33, pummeled Amado Dominguez-Quevedo, 57, during a confrontation Thursday night inside their cell at the Monroe County Detention Center in Key West. Callen (seen above) has been jailed since his arrest in late-September for failing to register as a sex offender with Florida officials (he was convicted of a sex offense in Colorado in 2012). Dominguez-Quevedo, locked up on $40,000 bond, has been in custody since his February arrest for aggravated battery and indecent exposure. During an interview at a hospital emergency room, Dominguez-Quevedo said he was cleaning the toilet when Callen grabbed him by the shirt and began punching him in the face and ribs.

Amado Dominguez-Quevedo above.

Readers may recall my recent blog about the County Sheriff letting inmates go free. If you see either the inmates mentioned on the streets of Key West, avoid either at all costs. You may get your face punched or your teeth knocked our or both.


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