Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 - It was a Very Good Year in Key West Real Estate

2021 started out real shaky. January 6th scared the hell out of me. And a lot of people. Then the Inauguration happened and things started to go back to normal - at least as normal as we could get at the time. I think most people have an optimistic outlook on our future. Of course the people I come into contact with are successful people. Achievers. Winners. That is why they have money to spend. And never forget this: We live in America. Even when we are down, we get back up and thrive. I really believe we can achieve anything. 2022 will only be better.

Right after travel to Key West was allowed in mid 202o we saw the beginning of a surge of visitors that has not stopped. Many of them bought houses, condos, and investment properties.  2020 was a very good year for me. 2021 was an even better year.

Preferred Properties had a very successful year. All of the agents cranked out records sales. I sold the following properties:

727 Washington Street, Key West  March 2021

 115 Front Street #103, Key West  March 2021

1425 Washington Street, Key West  March 2021

733 Poorhouse Lane, Key West  May 2021

 317 Whitehead Street, Key West

 1104 Petronia Street, Key West  June 2021

915 Angela Street, Key West  June 2021 

724 Windsor Lane, Key West  July 2021

66 Front Street, Key West  December 2021

Most of these sales were to/from repeat customers. I appreciate their loyalty.  2022 looks very promising. I have a closing the first week of January and three new listings about to hit the market. 



  1. Congratulations. You are my inspiration.
    I am about to do my real estate license and your posts give me so much hope.
    Persistence and working hard really pays off.

    Future agent-to-be

  2. Good luck! I'm sure that 2 week course will take it all out of you.

  3. A Happy Happy Birthday to The One And Only Mr. Gary Thomas! Teller of Tales, Friend to so many, and Keeper of The Dream!

  4. Thank you Joseph! I spent almost all day on New Year's Eve putting together a successful contract over-asking on my new listing at 811 Washington Street. Four offers in one day. This market is crazy. Of course having a very good property in a really great location helped.
