Sunday, December 26, 2021

True Tales of Key West Real Estate in the Times of Covid 19 - No. Fourteen

This is a true story

I recently held an open house. I arrived at my listing about fifteen minutes before it was to begin. A couple driving a street legal golf cart was parked in front waiting for me to arrive. I asked them to wait five minutes so I could turn on the lights and get organized. I met the owner inside who agreed to turn on the lights on the second floor while I set up the first floor. The golf cart couple could not control themselves and entered before I was ready. Others quickly followed. It was crazy. People started asking questions. I never got a chance to go upstairs. The owner had departed. Everything was supposed to be just fine. 

My broker came by around 12;30 to take to a look-see. She looked around the first floor; went out to the pool; came back inside nodded her approval, and went upstairs. A few minutes later she came up to me said something like "The man in the shower scared me."

I asked what man? Had one of my open house attendees jumped into the shower to try it out? Or worse? I ran upstairs. I got up there as fast I could. I went into the front bedroom which has an en-suite bath and shut the door (visible in the top photo) only to find this:

I can't say that I screamed but it gave me a jolt. I immediately realized it was not real. But I also knew it appeared real at first glance. Real enough to scare a rational person. I started to move it out of view but then thought the owners put it there for a reason. I decided to leave it.
Shortly thereafter a fellow Realtor arrived and took a look around the first floor then began a Facetime tour of the home. Several minutes later she came up to ask a couple of questions but first said  "That man in the bathroom almost gave her a heart attack".  I apologized again. After that I warned people not to be frightened. I still heard a couple screams and then laughs.
A two hour open house turned into a three and one-hour marathon. The owner returned and explained the "man" was a cardboard cutout of his son in character as Tom Sawyer. His drama teacher made cutouts of the characters. Dad kept Tom as a remembrance and planned to have him in the guest bedroom as a  surprise for his now grown son who would be home for Christmas. 
The house went under contract immediately and to the agent who did the Facetime video. The owner relocated Tom to a bedroom corner during the home inspection.

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