Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Mom & Pop Store in Key West

Just about every town or city has a Mon & Pop store with a commercial business on the ground floor and living space on the second. A few months ago a Mom & Pop building was added to the Key West MLS. I remembered that time years earlier when I showed the same building to a prospective buyer.

The building was a two story concrete block building located half a block away from historic Duval Street. The building itself was not historic but the location and commercial zoning made it valuable. The "right" business at that location could make the owner a mint.Thousands of tourists walk by that spot each week. Thousands.

After checking out the ground level the listing agent, my buyer, and I used an exterior staircase at the rear of the property to go to the second floor apartment. This is Key West, mind you. There was a wood deck with chaise lounges facing west. We entered the apartment.

The first thing I noticed was a girl doing acrobatic tricks on a pole in the middle of the living room. There was at least one and maybe two other girls in shorts and bras in the living area. I have seen a lot of things while showing houses. This particular "thing caught me off guard. We looked at the rest of the space and left. 

My guy did not buy the place. He had a specific use in mind that did not include girls. Theÿ did not come with the property. But they messed with his head enough not to consider the place any further. There is no further point to this story other then muse over things Realtors encounter while showing property. I would add this. If mom knew what was going on upstairs, pop would never be allowed to go there. 

The building in the photos is in Denver, Colorado. Not Key West, Florida. We do not have snow in Key West. Ever.

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