Friday, March 4, 2022

Emotional Support Dog for Real Estate Sales


Selling a home, buying a home, dealing with inspection issues, structural defect or boundary line issues, unpleasant renter issues, code violation issues, fake news issues, and more can make anyone go half-crazy. Some sellers, buyers, agents, neighbors, renters, city officials are crazy to begin with. Many become more crazy if given the chance. 

I'm sure you have seen TV ads with actors pretending to be real people discussing how much money they saved by using a "Perfect Realtor"website where they saved thousand of dollars in real estate commissions. After all that Realtors do is put up a sign and collect the commission. Anybody can do that. Right?

I don't know how much real world experience "Perfect Realtors" have in general. They may have a lot. Or not so much. I wonder how they deal with screwball issues like the ones referenced above in a non-perfect world where other real people are going through a divorce, a death, an economic hardship, loss of a job, or whatever real life events precipitate a sale of one's home.

I have more business than I can handle right now. So this blog is not a rage against internet sites or a particular deal I am dealing with. I don't know that just because a Realtor charges a higher commission than the norm would be any better than one who charges less. I do believe experience counts. 

I firmly believe a good lick from your dog is worth more than any amount of money from any source. 


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