Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Commercial Projects of Key West - Spring 2022


Sometimes we drive by a commercial building so often that we fail to notice subtle and not-so-subtle changes. Sometimes buildings are razed and replaced with new buildings and we cannot remember what was there before. Today's blog is part of a continuing series of blogs to create an internet memory of the commercial construction projects of Key West over the past few years. I write "years" because few things move quickly in this town when it comes to construction. There are exceptions - usually an owner or developer brings in a crew from elsewhere. He ; houses and feeds the workers and gets a project built much quicker. Key West builders prefer the other method - draw the project out as long as possible. It takes time to create perfect. Lets see what has happened since the previous blog:

901 Fleming Street. This is an historic three story commercial building located in the heart of Old Town. It had a combination of office space, commercial space, and one apartment.  Some pre- renovation photos follow.






 It appears the building has been hollowed out and the footings below rebuilt stabilizing the building.


CLICK HERE to view more photos of this ongoing project.  


1100 Kennedy Drive - The Key West Aqueduct Authority Office Building 

Its a funny thing about government buildings in Key West - they all started to fall apart and become unsafe for government workers during the past several years. Our fire houses, city hall, electricity provider all became unsafe within a few years. The FKAA was relocated to another site, the building raze, the ground prepared for new construction, and the rebuilding started. I took a series of construction photos. And I need to say that construction on this building defies my snarky comment on most other construction. This building went up quickly. The building is very attractive. It even has a nice north facing outdoor deck for some official business to take place.


October 2020 just after former building razed. Ground work began.
December 2020


February 2021


May 2021


January 2022

CLICK HERE for more photos

532 Duval Street 

This truly is an historic property located at one of two of the busiest streets in Old Town - corner of Southard and Duval Streets. The black and white photos show the building at its best - decades ago before Key West was a real town. I started taking photos when scaffolding went up. The adjacent property on Southard Street began renovation at the same time. Same owner. Same contractor.  532 Duval was recently completed. Very disappointed in that. Southard still is not done. 


July 2020


Southard Street July 2020 - Same owner. Same Contractor
October 2020  Building is being stabilized New Columns added
October 2020


March 2022


March 2022

CLICK HERE to view no progress photos

2308 North Roosevelt Boulevard

Conch Republic Liquors  2012


October 2019

I started taking photos of this property as soon as I noticed yellow plastic tape encircling the building. This building a perfect example of not remembering what used to be at a place you drive by every day. I think I may have gone inside the liquor store one time. I found the photo in our MLS  as well as the aerial photo which show the location opposite the Key West Yacht Club. North Roosevelt Boulevard has changed by leaps and bounds compared to when I first visited Key West in the mid 1980s. The road itself was rebuilt a few years ago. This is the main thoroughfare into the historic district. Today there is a beautiful esplanade with tall palm trees and wide sidewalks where people walk, jog, skate, cycle nest to the Gulf of Mexico. It is quite impressive. Several hotels were rebuilt at the same time.

Not too long after I moved to Key West in the early 1990s Boston Market opened a restaurant at 2514 North Roosevelt. It failed and later became a branch of Centennial Bank. A few years ago the old Banner Tire store was razed and was replaced with a Sonic Drive-in. The place is rarely busy. I don't think it will survive. The old Burger King was also razed and replaced with a Popeye's. Same. Rarely busy. It may become a bank or something else. 

I am not sure what will become of 2208 North Roosevelt. It is going up very quickly. I have taken a few photos which you may view below. 

Three years ago the ground on which the Sonic Drive-in was elevated about three feet above original grade lever. I believe that was and still is current building code. The Capitana Hotel across the street was totally rebuilt at the same time. The entire parcel was elevated as well I have been puzzled why other new construction and some "renovations"were not required to elevate the base. I am not inferring anything fishy is going on. Or am I?


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